Together for the Advancement of Hispanic Nursing in LA

DAY 1: 25th Annual Conference: "Health Crisis in the Era of a Pandemic & Racism"
Thu, Oct 22
Two half-day events: LA NAHN 25th Annual Conference presented via Zoom

Time & Location
Oct 22, 2020, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM PDT
About the event
Agenda: Thursday, October 22, 2020- Day One
1300-1315: Welcome
Dr. Sonia Valdez, LA NAHN President
Dr. Angie Millan, NAHN Past President
1315 – 1415:
Topic: Lipan Apache Women Defense
Speaker: Dr. Eloisa Tamez NAHN Founder
1415 – 1515:
Topic: Social Justice & Gerontological Multicultural Families
Speaker: Dr. Adriana Perez, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania
1515 – 1530 Break
1530 – 1630:
Topic: NBNA’s Role with the Pandemic and Racism
Speaker: Dr. Martha Dawson, President National Black Nurses Association
1630 – 1730:
Topic: Global Response to the Pandemic / Racism in American Culture
Speaker: Dr. Jose Alejandro Ph.D., RN, NEA-BC, CNE, CCM, FACHE, FAAN
1730 – 1800 Virtual Happy Hour